In our blog, we intend to present a variety of exercises, interesting positions, games and other material that we think will benefit you. We will classify each for the level that we think it is appropriate for.
Complex Middlegame Positions
March 19: UPDATED WITH SOLUTIONS! The following 10 opening/early middlegame/middlegame positions are taken from my book on Rook vs. Two Minor Pieces, the section on the Scotch Endgame. These positions are not part of the training program 12 Weeks to Better Chess, but...
Opening Preparation
March 2: Updated with solutions to the exercises! Below are 3 positions from 2 Black openings in our training program. Try to solve them, solutions will be given on Thursday. Our opening training is multi-faceted: you get to...
Try your luck with these two exercises. The first one is in from the early middlegame, about the time where opening theory ends and it is time to think for yourself. Exercises like this one prepares you for a tournament game. The...
3 Positions from “Fortress or Not?”
In our training program, we expect you to spend 4-6 hours per week to improve your chess. A wide variety of exercises will sharpen your chess in all aspects of the game, and avoid the program to become too one-sided. One type of exercises...